Profimation Inc. (菩洛菲特科技有限公司) was founded by a team of experienced practitioners in the petrochemical & refining industries in 1999 when it was registered in the United States. Later in 2004, the company started its operations & services in Taiwan. The services mainly focus to help customers Profit through Automation.

菩洛菲特科技有限公司 (Profimation Inc.) 於 1999 年在美國註冊,於 2004 年在台灣正式營運,公司中文命名為「菩洛菲特」為 Profit 的音譯,而公司英文命名則取自於 Profit & Automation 結合而成。公司主要服務工業界客戶,以高科技自動化技術為客戶節約成本並增加營業利潤 (Profit through Automation)

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